Uni really does suck alot of penis. The hatred of uni seems to be a common feeling between members of both the hills and the hood. Perhaps it is what is keeping this great gang alive. An adhesive or a special bond. Whether it's lodga slogging it out over planning an outback coon community centre, biggles busting out a 30 page report on butterflies, diji forging surveys or the kalgoorlie rats doin fuckall then going a week withoud sleep to get 5 assignments in on time I am sure that nobody is really enjoying it. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it will be worth it in the end. We will look back at our time at uni and say " gee that was the life" or possible something like " fuckin asian rats" but we will realize we had it pretty sweet.
In other news i was shocked upon entering goats room and seeing a giant ball of pubes sitting proudly on top of the rubbish in his make shift bin made from an empty beer carton ( First carton purchased since arriving in Kal, possibly first carton ever.) Anyway i am scarred from this monster of pubes that is making me too scared to go to sleep. Everytime I shut my eyes it is just sitting there looking at me. It's one of those situations where you wish you were so maggot that all would be forgotten in the morning but I'm afraid the vision will be with me for life. He may have photos for others that would like to see.
Apparently Scott is working with alot of single mothers. I suggest he films a porno at work. There is potential for some big dollars cahhhhhh chink! Could possibly win the bet with goat. Porn is the only realistic way that he could make 1 million dollars in less than a year. It would also complete his other unacomplished goal in life of creating an internet hit. He could called it "Kala Milfs Gone Wild". Some of the dij's goals that he has already achieved include:
1. Appearing on Aus Funniest Home Video Show
2. Youtube Hit Video
3 Making money from the Internet
4 Farting in a public place(accidental)
5 Surviving pimarily off raw oats and pasta.
6 Winning a hills hood challenge
7 Falling asleep in a night club
8 Being a rat
9. Studying Goat
10. Appearing in a documentary in year 12 in Calc.
There is much drinking to be done this coming semester break. Goat now drinks beer since the price increase in alcopops so it could be his entry to manhood.
Hillshood just isn't the same with advertisements for everything from cars to holidays to adding inches to the little pecker. What was once a community blog has been commercialized just like everything else demetriou the cunt touches. The fat greasy wog has probably never played footy. Reminds me of eddie Maguire and Caroline Wilson. What the fuck! Anyway it appears scott is making some big dollars out of this so he better shout us all beeros.
while on the topic of footy i would like to point out that it is a great game. I would like to be playing right now but cannot at the moment resulting in goat and me becoming fat cunts. Goat is rumoured to have hit the 100 kg mark. Hes bordering on scott cummings, billy brownless, matt witham territory.
In other news Jism has been basking in the glory of being a hillshood cricket champion. As a captain of a side that has won all but 1 challenge he is surely to be inducted into the hall of fame and elevated to legend status a couple of minutes later.
Goats got a few love interests in his life atm. 1 lives next door to him, 1 lives next door to lodge and the other keeps messaging him and ringing him. You'll have to ask him 4 details.....
Jas is up to his usual antics. ?Invited me to the casino. Wouldnt be the same without the saturday night message from none other than JC.
I'm tired and my paragraphs are starting to consist of 1 sentance so ill leave it there.
Some thing to ponder, to wonder and to appreciate.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Deja Vu
I am not a bigot nor am I a racist, but I feel there comes a point where racist comments are warranted...It is called 'Rational Racism!' I'm sure those of you who have been with Hills Hood since the start have probably heard me bitching about asians before Click here.
Again I have been put in a group with an asian girl which I don't have a problem with, BUT, again she has taken over and is insistent on doing things her way. The stupid turkey doesn't even trust me to do my part of our presentation, she has sent me countless msgs asking me 2 send her my slides so she can change them and rewrite them in mandarin or something gay and pointless like that. She is one of those useless sluts that you wouldn't mind if she was hit by a car or struck by lightning (I am getting frustrated just by talking about her!).
This all refers back to my original point about rational racism. I have constantly had trouble with international students at uni. I have found them to be very selfish and uncompassionate and they are constantly eating rice. The other day I was in a lecture when the guy in front of me (he was asian) pulled a packet of rice out of his bag and mixed it with some hot water, he had gone to far! I have seen some pretty bad things in my short life but that was without doubt the worst I've ever experienced.
For those of you who have already noticed, I have signed Hills Hood up to Google adsense. I mainly did this because I was bored and also as a basic experiment. I really don't think HH can generate any substantial revenue unless we relate all our posts back to a central theme which will increase Hills Hood's keyword relevance, page rankings etc. even then I think it is still unlikely that this site will make us all rich.
It is now 11.53pm, I have a presentation at 9am tomorrow morning and that STUPID CRAZY SHEILA hasn't even sent me the Fucking powerpoint yet! The nugget even called me up today asking for my slides so she could email everyone the finished thing, so I sent that rice-bitch my slides and now she won't send me the rest, meaning I won't be able to see if my slides have been changed until tomorrow during our presentation. Deja vu?
Again I have been put in a group with an asian girl which I don't have a problem with, BUT, again she has taken over and is insistent on doing things her way. The stupid turkey doesn't even trust me to do my part of our presentation, she has sent me countless msgs asking me 2 send her my slides so she can change them and rewrite them in mandarin or something gay and pointless like that. She is one of those useless sluts that you wouldn't mind if she was hit by a car or struck by lightning (I am getting frustrated just by talking about her!).
This all refers back to my original point about rational racism. I have constantly had trouble with international students at uni. I have found them to be very selfish and uncompassionate and they are constantly eating rice. The other day I was in a lecture when the guy in front of me (he was asian) pulled a packet of rice out of his bag and mixed it with some hot water, he had gone to far! I have seen some pretty bad things in my short life but that was without doubt the worst I've ever experienced.
For those of you who have already noticed, I have signed Hills Hood up to Google adsense. I mainly did this because I was bored and also as a basic experiment. I really don't think HH can generate any substantial revenue unless we relate all our posts back to a central theme which will increase Hills Hood's keyword relevance, page rankings etc. even then I think it is still unlikely that this site will make us all rich.
It is now 11.53pm, I have a presentation at 9am tomorrow morning and that STUPID CRAZY SHEILA hasn't even sent me the Fucking powerpoint yet! The nugget even called me up today asking for my slides so she could email everyone the finished thing, so I sent that rice-bitch my slides and now she won't send me the rest, meaning I won't be able to see if my slides have been changed until tomorrow during our presentation. Deja vu?
Friday, May 16, 2008
How much do you love assignments?
A lot? good, because now I can abuse you, and one thing that I believe tops assignments on the scale of things which apply unreasonable stress and pressure is group work. Now I know everyone just loves group work, I mean you can really get heaps done on time in a really efficient manner in groups, right? Sometimes sure, but in the highly likely case that you might be grouped up with a homosexual emo', I think you would answer differently. Don't get me wrong, I love homosexual emos, they make me laugh, alot. Theres something about the whingey whiney voice that really gives me the impression that they dont want to be alive. Which is true right? why else would they have cut scars running across their arm in a pathetic attempt to commit suicide with the ulterior motive to attract attention to themselves?. Who knows you say, i agree, who knows indeed, probably a behavioral psycologist.
To be fair I must contradict my earlier statement, he isn't exactly a homosexual but he sure looks and acts like one. Nor is he classified as 'emo' but hell, whats the difference between those emos and the other "different" ones these days? They are all trying to be minority right? While achieving quite the opposite. So I was close enough!

Before I stray too far off the topic (too late) I have to say I have been dealt a bad dose of group members. The above image depicts a weeks on and off work, sure it doesnt look like much, but fuck, you should have seen the method of construction. Theres this bitch who does work without consulting others, some Portugese son of a bitch who does night shift security and therefore ALWAYS runs late to morning meetings, the previously mentioned gay emo or near enough, and lastly a legend of a bloke who is too nice to be assertive. In a pickle? yes I am actually.
Now steering in a different direction completely, we have been commercialized! Some may not know this, but the beloved Hills Hood has been swamped in advertisements. Who is responsible? I think there is only one person capable, Scotto has been sitting on the conception of making money through the internet for a long time. And now It's actually happening! Infact he informed me that he made $2 from HillsHood alone already. This may not sound like a lot, but if you were to make 100 more Hillshoods, that would equate to $200. Not quite the goal of $1million by the time he's 21, thats for sure. So anyway the point I am trying to make is this, deception! Did we hold a committee meeting to pass this advertising on the blog? I don't recall, probably, but I wasn't invited.
Now we have established this ultimate betrayal, we can design an awards program for all contributers to this blog. One night on the piss per $100 cheque sounds fair to me, although it will not go far. Perhaps half a night on the piss. On the off season that is! Recently a random passing Goat and I discussed a fitness program that is potentially beneficial to all who participate. The goal is much like that of boot camp concept, as they call it in USA. Except I am tending to opt for the other proposal for "Fat Camp" Some of us are carrying more than the great game forgives. The great game I am referring to being Football, none of this tip-toe , pussy footed pansy shit they call soccer, I mean the real mans game, where a hand on the back is now inevitably a free kick. How tough is that! fuck all this shirtfronting shit, a real game has real rules, and this one takes the cake. Before I storm onto how football is increasingly becoming a game for the poo pushers, let me elaborate on our fitness concept that we have planned for the study break in coming weeks.
Week 1 - general fitness; jogging, kicking, endurance.
week 2 -Step it up into 2nd gear; pace running, skipping, bike riding and swimming.
week 3- Now we are burning; Sprints, weights, extreme Morman dancing.
week 4 -nothing stopping us; More sprints, weights and fuckloads healthy food
week 5- Drink some booze, been working too hard and have got an injury; Couple of cratons should do it
week 6- reflect on past weeks; Wonder what went wrong and return to original form...
Sad, but no doubt a very likely result of the plan. Well, speaking on past experiences, it is definitely what is going to happen.
So back to the great game, WTF. Dont go saying the game SHould be unpredictable and have varying umpiring standards, but no, I believe we should modernize the game with respect to umpires and tribunal. I am no the first to discuss this topic on a negative level, I am infact one of many, one of millions perhaps. We all want our point of view heard, and this is mine.
A serious review of the game is on the table, thats for sure.
I dont even know why im talking about afl umpiring, i actually liked it until 10 minutes ago, but for some reason i followed the ideas that footy is on a downward sprial. Of course i dont believe this, footy is healthy as ever, but hey, what would we all talk about in social situations if we didnt have footy antics. After all many of us revolve our lives around the great game, some of us believe football is what made us who we are today, this is true for myself especially. In beginning university this year, I'm sure I would not be passing if it werent for the tuesday and thursday training sessions. That shit keeps me going, Keeps me motivated. I think Im speaking for everyone in saying the weekend game is also a central focal point of our lives.
Recently I returned to the great occupation of 'night filler'. How great is that ay. Some of the shit we get up to on night fill, hoohoo i tell you what, we are a bunch of crazy critters. For example, monday night was my first shift, and I tell you no lies, we were allowed to stack shelves. If thats not extreme enough for you, we also crushed boxes. Now im not sure if many of my readers are familiar with the job of night filler, but its a long and disturbing process. I was very disturbed when I came across a broken can of cat food, that was rotting away with maggots and shit like that. Fuck yeh, imagine diggin ya teeth into that, yummy. Well the pays good and the conditions are pretty good too, so i dont see why i would want to leave, especially considering the convenience of uni/work ratio and times. Only downfall is I seem to be working with a whole lot of single mothers and strangely enough, single stay at home dads too. Haha those blokes are radical, sitting on their fat asses all day then coming into woolies to do a hard nights fill for a honest dollar.
Tell you what ive had just about enough to day for one night, its late and i need to submit this retarded model of a completely impractical and rediculous city concept.
To be fair I must contradict my earlier statement, he isn't exactly a homosexual but he sure looks and acts like one. Nor is he classified as 'emo' but hell, whats the difference between those emos and the other "different" ones these days? They are all trying to be minority right? While achieving quite the opposite. So I was close enough!

Before I stray too far off the topic (too late) I have to say I have been dealt a bad dose of group members. The above image depicts a weeks on and off work, sure it doesnt look like much, but fuck, you should have seen the method of construction. Theres this bitch who does work without consulting others, some Portugese son of a bitch who does night shift security and therefore ALWAYS runs late to morning meetings, the previously mentioned gay emo or near enough, and lastly a legend of a bloke who is too nice to be assertive. In a pickle? yes I am actually.
Now steering in a different direction completely, we have been commercialized! Some may not know this, but the beloved Hills Hood has been swamped in advertisements. Who is responsible? I think there is only one person capable, Scotto has been sitting on the conception of making money through the internet for a long time. And now It's actually happening! Infact he informed me that he made $2 from HillsHood alone already. This may not sound like a lot, but if you were to make 100 more Hillshoods, that would equate to $200. Not quite the goal of $1million by the time he's 21, thats for sure. So anyway the point I am trying to make is this, deception! Did we hold a committee meeting to pass this advertising on the blog? I don't recall, probably, but I wasn't invited.
Now we have established this ultimate betrayal, we can design an awards program for all contributers to this blog. One night on the piss per $100 cheque sounds fair to me, although it will not go far. Perhaps half a night on the piss. On the off season that is! Recently a random passing Goat and I discussed a fitness program that is potentially beneficial to all who participate. The goal is much like that of boot camp concept, as they call it in USA. Except I am tending to opt for the other proposal for "Fat Camp" Some of us are carrying more than the great game forgives. The great game I am referring to being Football, none of this tip-toe , pussy footed pansy shit they call soccer, I mean the real mans game, where a hand on the back is now inevitably a free kick. How tough is that! fuck all this shirtfronting shit, a real game has real rules, and this one takes the cake. Before I storm onto how football is increasingly becoming a game for the poo pushers, let me elaborate on our fitness concept that we have planned for the study break in coming weeks.
Week 1 - general fitness; jogging, kicking, endurance.
week 2 -Step it up into 2nd gear; pace running, skipping, bike riding and swimming.
week 3- Now we are burning; Sprints, weights, extreme Morman dancing.
week 4 -nothing stopping us; More sprints, weights and fuckloads healthy food
week 5- Drink some booze, been working too hard and have got an injury; Couple of cratons should do it
week 6- reflect on past weeks; Wonder what went wrong and return to original form...
Sad, but no doubt a very likely result of the plan. Well, speaking on past experiences, it is definitely what is going to happen.
So back to the great game, WTF. Dont go saying the game SHould be unpredictable and have varying umpiring standards, but no, I believe we should modernize the game with respect to umpires and tribunal. I am no the first to discuss this topic on a negative level, I am infact one of many, one of millions perhaps. We all want our point of view heard, and this is mine.
A serious review of the game is on the table, thats for sure.
I dont even know why im talking about afl umpiring, i actually liked it until 10 minutes ago, but for some reason i followed the ideas that footy is on a downward sprial. Of course i dont believe this, footy is healthy as ever, but hey, what would we all talk about in social situations if we didnt have footy antics. After all many of us revolve our lives around the great game, some of us believe football is what made us who we are today, this is true for myself especially. In beginning university this year, I'm sure I would not be passing if it werent for the tuesday and thursday training sessions. That shit keeps me going, Keeps me motivated. I think Im speaking for everyone in saying the weekend game is also a central focal point of our lives.
Recently I returned to the great occupation of 'night filler'. How great is that ay. Some of the shit we get up to on night fill, hoohoo i tell you what, we are a bunch of crazy critters. For example, monday night was my first shift, and I tell you no lies, we were allowed to stack shelves. If thats not extreme enough for you, we also crushed boxes. Now im not sure if many of my readers are familiar with the job of night filler, but its a long and disturbing process. I was very disturbed when I came across a broken can of cat food, that was rotting away with maggots and shit like that. Fuck yeh, imagine diggin ya teeth into that, yummy. Well the pays good and the conditions are pretty good too, so i dont see why i would want to leave, especially considering the convenience of uni/work ratio and times. Only downfall is I seem to be working with a whole lot of single mothers and strangely enough, single stay at home dads too. Haha those blokes are radical, sitting on their fat asses all day then coming into woolies to do a hard nights fill for a honest dollar.
Tell you what ive had just about enough to day for one night, its late and i need to submit this retarded model of a completely impractical and rediculous city concept.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Kalgoorlie Pub Crawl (poor blog)
So you like rice?? Speaking of rice, or more specifically Kalgoorlie, I think it would be an excellent idea to venture there in the near future for a weekend of good old fashioned drinking. I have heard there are many pubs in Kalgoorlie and also many seedy places, which will make for good fun. Goat has kindly volunteered his room for our stay, what a nice lad. To complement Goat's generosity, Trav has began production on another batch of his quality home-brew. This will hopefully be finished by the time we arrive (hopefully sometime in September).
So far it looks to be me, Lodge, Jism and most likely Biggles for the trip east. Goat is also eager to introduce us all to his exhange-student girlfriend who is yet approve of this meeting (she doesn't speak any english!). Their relationship seems to be going steady after a bumpy couple of months, maybe now Goat will actually tell us her name! Tatiaana??
So far it looks to be me, Lodge, Jism and most likely Biggles for the trip east. Goat is also eager to introduce us all to his exhange-student girlfriend who is yet approve of this meeting (she doesn't speak any english!). Their relationship seems to be going steady after a bumpy couple of months, maybe now Goat will actually tell us her name! Tatiaana??
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