Wedge 2009
It had been a year since we last ventured north to the sea-side playground called Wedge. After last years ordeal I vowed never to return as the lawless streets of Wedge seem to bring the worst out of me. Last years wounds were healed with time so I decided I would head back with the crew, just to relax and let loose after my penultimate year of uni. Only seven of the Hills Hood crew made the journey after Trav made a late withdrawal, because he hadn't completed his thesis. I've always thought that I was pretty bad when it comes to procrastinating but leaving your thesis til the week before it's due is in another league. Anyway back to Wedge.
I was actually pretty disappointed and shocked when I found out the news but I soon got over it.
Wedge was really nice and relaxing; we pretty much had the whole town to ourselves. Basically spent most of the time at the beach, sandboarding, drinking, general fucking around and taking the piss out of Goat (Just kidding man). The second day a couple of us headed back to Lancelin in Jism's beast, it was fucken crazy! It was seriously hot..had to push the car out of the sand at least three times..then run after the car and we got fucking lost and spent 40 minutes in the middle of the bush with no shade. Jism bush-bashed pretty badly through quad tracks for awhile but we eventually made it to Lancelin. It was a lot of fun...maybe not so much at the time, but it makes for a good story.
I have pretty much always just shat outside at Wedge...I think it's a combination of laziness and comfort and the fact that the shack toilet smells disgusting! I don't even try to hide the fact that I do it, like I pretty much go wherever i.e. driveway, road etc. It seems like this little fad started to catch on big time during this trip. Everyone except two of the more civilised residents, were shitting outside as well. They even started to grasp the concept of 'Extreme Shitting' whereby everyone tries to out do the others by shitting somewhere even more daring than the previous attempt. For the history of 'Extreme Shitting' Click Here.
Back to where I was before. I really enjoyed just relaxing at the beach, going sandboarding during the evening, watching the sunset whilst sitting on the dunes and just general fucking around with good company (I'm not gay).
One thing that I feel that I really should mention in this section, is to do with Goat's behaviour (how unlike me to make mention of Goat). Goat is a good friend of mine, and all within the Hills Hood community. However, I just don't think I can go on without commenting on his unusual behaviour at Wedge.
On the last night of the trip, everyone was getting a little bit drunk and having a good time dancing like idiots, fucking around and getting a little frisky. However, Goat was not joining in the festivities but ostracizing himself from the group and acting very strange. I have seen Goat act strange before but this was the first time in awhile I had seen such extreme antics. I will give you a brief rundown about what I'm talking about:
(These are approximate times)
7:30 - 8PM Goat sits inside, eats dinner by himself, occasionally makes token appearance outside
8 - 9PM Goat does something seedy in his room, makes occasional visit outside and explains that he is sick
9 - 9:40PM Goat starts practicing cricket shots with a cricket bat in the kitchen, answers every question directed his way with a non-related cricket remark i.e. "Oi Goat are you gonna come for a swim later man?"
"Gotta watch those lofted coverdrives" (Goat says this as he has a practice swing with a cricket bat)
9:40 - 10:15PM Goat locks himself in his car and cranks music to max volume, still unresponsive
10:15 - 10:45PM Turns on his ignition and goes crazy driving, Lodge and I jump in to make sure he does nothing too extreme, I get out after 5 mins because of severe car sickness. Goat comes back unharmed, Lodge a little shaken
10:45 - 11:25PM Makes 'Quick' phone call in the sand dunes to sister and Trav (might even have been longer than 40 minutes)
11:30PM We all tell Goat that we can't wait any longer for him and head off to the beach for a late night swim, as we leave we hear glass bottles and cans being smashed and Goat grunting loudly out of frustration for some reason
Maybe my recollection of these events are a little biased, but I'm sure anyone else there would agree that his behaviour was a little weird.
Hidden Creek
Since footy wound up in September, I have finally had time to go back to the sacred spot known as Hidden Creek. It is actually a really nice place to go to in Summer to drink export. The crew has been hitting it up a bit during the evenings to discuss usual HH topics. The dodgy Hills brigade even attempted to ambush the two Hood boys but failed pretty miserably because they are from the Hills and one of them is a Mexican. Goat has even incorporated Hidden Creek into his fitness regime, running there Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings around if you want 2 ambush him, that would be the time to do it!
Metros/Goat's Cricket Game
One night, the entire Hills Hood minus Goat went to Metros Freo, after cheering on Goat at his cricket game. The night wasn't bad, think everyone was pretty smashed...think it would have been better and certainly a lot more interesting if Goat had tagged along. Cricket game was Hi-Larious! Trav made a banner (Funny Banner Photo) and we hurled a fair bit of support (i meant abuse) Goat's way. I seriously did not give a fuck haha...poor Goat, just can't escape us.
SouthBound was really, really good! Camping for 3 days, drinking, dancing and fucking around. It was seriously good! I got evicted for having an extremely big cock (forgot I had 3 bottles of alcohol down my pants) within two hours of arriving but faked out the fat bitch security guard with a fake wristy and got back in. Bird ran riot in the Vodka tent breaking those plastic, illuminated coffee tables things and also tearing the balloons off the roof. We had a really good crew so yeah, it was pretty awesome. Makes you realise how much better having fun with your mates is than work and anything else.

Jeff's Wild Celebrations
Fuck, what a crazy night. Just going to briefly touch on this. Bird talked Sparrow and myself into sharing a 1L bottle of smirnoff, in the hour before we headed out for Jeff's Bday. WE REALLY GOT FUCKED UP! Sparrow threw up everywhere in the Brass Monkey within minutes of arriving. The sink was overflowing from his vomit. Bird got rowdy like usual, sniped some fuckhead in the head. We then left the Brass Monkey...this is where my memory gets really blurry. I threw my phone at the footpath several times (it is really fucked up). Got kicked out of the Deen, screamed and shouted really loudly...I don't remember this shit but Jism and Trav have informed of me of how fucked I actually was. I tried to get into another nightclub but blew .248 or .284...I don't know. Clint from footy found me on a bench, throwing my wallet in front of cars and making them stop. He rightfully threw me into a taxi and sent me home.
I got out of the Taxi around 2am i think, I woke up on the side of Welshpool rd around 4am with my wallet and bank cards scattered across the verge. I was really fucked, when I saw Jas the next morning he clearly was too. Bird drove to maccas when he got home that morning...drove through a couple of roundabouts...such a C-razy night!
Anyway, I felt I should finish this post off since I promised I would. At least now I can move on and write a more up-to-date blog next time.