A lot of things have been frustrating me lately especially work which comes back 2 my orignal point that there are some uni students who are really p*ssing me off! The Chinese guy at work who owns the joint keeps asking me if i want more shifts and i keep replying 'No, im happy with my 2 shifts' then he's like 'that's cool' but puts me on the roster with an extra shift without even telling me. So i just didnt rock up and watched the footy instead.
Anyway, 2006 is almost halfway through and i haven't really done much apart from sleeping, so me and Trav are gonna make some more videos and hopefully even a movie these upcoming holidays. We are both experienced campaigners and know all the tricks of the trade.
Trav told me to add this next part on so i will. Biggles' and his cyber misses Jane, have been getting pretty serious lately. They have now taken the next step from chatting via net to chatting via phone. All of us are pretty confused and also curious to see where this is all going. There's a good chance our friend Simon Colwill will never return from his trip to NZ if he does go through with it, it will take more than just a melody from the Ocarina to bring him back. Where will this leave the Hills Hood?
Only 2 days to winter and a bit over a month til Holland wins the World Cup, but apart from that not much really happens in June/July apart from footy. Our gamesroom should be finished within the next couple of weeks so then atleast ill have something else to do. And once we get the bar cranking then we can all get pissed whilst playing pool and watching me kick Biggles' ass in Smash Bros.
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