Sunday, May 21, 2006

Casino Visit

The time had come to visit the the woodburs casino. scott lodge me and ducko made our way there in scotts beast. Scott tried to drag a v8 ute. He lost. We made it there in good time. Scott found a hell good free parking bay then proceeded to demonstrate his reverse parallel parking skills. We met up with goatman in his home pub and had a few pints. Saw some mighty seedy 40 yr olds trying to pick up the 18 yr old chicks, straight out of school. We then went went to the casino. Free spirit bought a 17 dollar pint. I got a pint but goatman drank the majority of it coz he wont buy his own alcohol. Lodge somehow turned 1 dollar into 8 dollars. Big return. Then went to the ruby room. Lodge couldnt come coz he was too poor but im sure he had a better time as he saw a fat man get tazered by the cops in front of his wife. Then decided to leave. Went to Maccas for a McChicken or 2 in Dijis case. Goat met some nice girls but didnt get their numbers. Scott drove to the river pissed. I harassed some kid at maccas. Lodge made sure scott didnt die. Ducko did nothing as he did all night. Left maccas singing some good tunes.


Simon. said...

"Casino Visit"
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HAgro said...

Good times. Great times. Yeah ducko, what a wet rag, good for nothing, cept maybe wiping shit off toilet seats.

HAgro said...

that was mean, I regret saying that. Wet rags really dont go far in this world though.

Am i digging a deeper hole?

Simon. said...

You've said enough about your hole today Lodge. And, ooh new post.