Again, it is me who has 2 post a blog 2 keep this site going! I've already had 2 revoke Giumelli's membership...don't make me revoke urs aswell. Anyway, shit's been going off lately:
- Trav, Goat and Lodge won big gf in footy
- Goat likely to be picked up in the first round of the rookie draft
- Goat taken under the wing of his idol Mario
- Goat's short-lived night in Northbridge (shakes head)
- The release of Goat's second album...can't remember wat it's called
- Lodge's awesome minibike
- And other unimportant stuff which may or may not be directly related 2 Goat
As you can see, Goat has been pretty busy lately...he also claims 2 have mastered the Wii during this period, I'm not so sure. I could seriously write pages on end about Goat, most of it untrue, but the main reason 4 writing this blog is because the end of uni is nearing which can only mean one thing. Wedge is Near!
So anyway, Wedge is fast approaching although the details are yet 2 be specified, it looks 2 be a memorable trip. The main topic of discussion is whether or not a certain female should be allowed 2 come, i will not venture any deeper into this discussion as my opinion is indifferent. It is also likely that several new members will be making their debut but first they must pass initiation, which is yet to be determined.
Rumours have been circulating throughout the hillshood regarding Trav's position in the wedge hierarchy. One of the rumours suggests that Trav should have 2 give up his luxurious room and sleep on the couch or risk being sent 2 exhile island, i personally believe these rumours 2 be vicious lies intended to stir up bad-blood between members of the hills and the hood. Shame on whoever started these rumours!
I have also heard rumours that paul (Goatman) believes he can skull half a bottle of any bourbon that we chose, if you really want 2 do this paul i dont mind...it is your choice 2 make! To finish, i will include some photos 4 those of you who dislike reading.
NB. plz note the lack of chips in Goat's possession in the recent game of poker!

Not bad! I must say though, that I disapprove of your intense use of numbers instead of words, ie; 2/to, and 4/for. Text speak should be reserved for texts, if at all. Not to mention you guys should make up your mind on this female attendance. It's all or none in this case, if you know what I mean.
zoe zo....Good Blog, very informative. Still the no.1 blog going around!
rumor has it that ian has challenged scott's possition at wedge, and is interested in having a drinkoff for his possition this sunday on the kalamunda cougars pub crawl.
This sounds like a vicious case of blackmail biggles. I personally believe wedge is no place for a lady with little previous experience. Now the key word here is 'lady' because its mighty hard to maintain your ladiness in wedge, very little facilities and Very iscolated. Brew on it man, its totally up to you.
Rumour has it goat's gay.
biggles we have invited jane but at ur expense. sorrybud u cant come
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