This could well be the last trip for several of the crew if not all of it, as everyone is heading in their own direction in the not-so distant future. This could be one of the last times we will get 2 spend together sinking piss and digging holes (No I'm not Gay fuck off cunt). If Marky Mark and the gang are going i will go to. If the reason why you are not going is because of the lack of girls, i believe girls there will be. Too far one side you become to scientific, too far the other you become a mechanical water my friend. Wise words. One must find balance between reality and what is not real. Only someone with true courage could understand such a thing.
Neway back to reality. The definites: Goat, trav, me, lodge
The Likelys: Biggles, Simdogg, Jism
The uncertainitys: Sparrow, Bird and Jane
No gay music, No gay porn, No gay sex, nothing gay in general-if you are gay do not come! This is the fourth wedge trip in the last 18 months for all you staticians. I like to refer to this as 'Generation 2' (The post school days), Generation 1 obviously referring to the school days. I am obviously referring to wedge and not just life in general. Generation 1 was where all the wedge folk lore such as the mid-stength saga and Tegan's mum became legend. Many more historical events have been added to this hall of fame, the most recent being Goat going all-out and also the brit/finchy/ingrid Soon these will become legend and will certainly be passed down through Generation 3 (post-uni), I'm sure there will be many more stories to add to these after this trip.
As you can see in the diagram below there is heavy hills infiltration in the southern and northern quadrants. The hood still has total control over the top floor, this is 'Grove Turf'. If Sparrow decides to come he will most likely take over area 1, which could cause conflict towards the hood. Rooms 1, 2 and 4 are already locked down and are not open for negotiation, although room 1 can be used as trade bait (I highly recommend you do this Travis). Room 3 is likely to be the war zone and will ultimately decide these turf wars.
It seems there are certain members you have hidden agendas for this wedge trip, whether they are monetary, alcohol, religious, sexual or other, they cannot be kept hidden for ever! Already it seems hidden alliances are being formed...I'm not talking about the obvious ones. This trip should be about peace and not about dirty rat antics. There are many things yet to be discussed about this trip, they will be discussed in future blogs so keep checking.
whether they are monetary (goat), alcohol(most), religious(scott, simmo), sexual(jas) or other (remaining members)
Friday to Tuesday?
sounds good
jim starts work on the wednesday
he has added himself to the defo list
some questions have arisen as the the lust for men of a certain hills member
the question has been put forward, and judges judge it possible
If any of you guys like men you will be forbidden to come. The hood doesnt tolerate this kind of behaviour
That hills member shows his true colours when accompanied by a member of the hood.
Any funny business will result in removal from the HH by original members even if that member is an original too.
J. Sky
WHAT THE HELL. . . Gayness is not tolerated in the hills. its brings us all down, as for the hood, they cant go any lower.
That comment was written by a hills member and not a hood member. You obviously have far bigger problems than we do otherwise you wouldnt be saying that about your own members
scott ur def wearing sneakers 4 sneaking. hills r a respectful community
Doesn't Cole live in the hills? Or if not, Luke Matthews probably does. Failing that, I'd say Boomer sounds a tad off.
It seems to me that this is more reason for me not to attend the approaching Wedge adventure.
However the idea to taking over turf for the hillz appears to be a factor to consider.
All things considered it is a 70% no.
JEEPERS. All I want is no gays, is it too much to ask? I'm not homophobic or anything but all homosexuals should die now.
Ive been pondering this wedge business and have concerns on the basis of fussy woman like behaviour and Potential limp wristed activity.
Other than that, COOL B's.
Lodge out.
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