Monday, November 05, 2007

Corruption in the ranks.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand before you a changed man, I have looked in the face of true evil, and prevailed. I know that Justice has won a crucial battle against corruption.

Explain yourself you say? You are in no position to make demands! Crawl back to your hole vile demon, and pity your existence, for you will get none from me. You seek to unmask me as a fraud? I am afraid there will be no more standing on high for you dark one, your true nature has been revealed, and the world will know your evil.

But who am I to cast judgment upon others? I am but a humble servant, who strives to defeat the evils put upon this world by the dark master, and those who do his bidding.

I came face to face with four of these loathsome creatures 2 moons ago, and a terrible battle did commence. I did not stand alone though, A pious brothers stood to either side of me, ready to defend our honour, and shine in this wave of dark. Our victory was never assured, but we did put up a most valiant fight, and in the end, we had utterly destroyed the four dark servants, with only a few wounds to ourselves. Truly it was a day of joy for all we hold dear.

It is only now, with our wounds healed, and our stomachs full of victory wine and bread, do we find out the true nature of the beasts we faced on the fateful day. Not only were we outnumbered, but torture of one of the beasts has revealed a most terrifying plot to destroy us all.

Cougars premiers 07 says:
ok i cheated
Cougars premiers 07 says:
and still lost

So let this be a lesson to all those who would oppose our righteous fury! No matter the trickery you deploy, no matter the strength you wield, you will never prevail over the forces of good!

We are the blessed.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, cheating scum, always knew the hills were dodgy. nice blog bigs

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Score 3-2 in favour or Hillz. Just Talkin Turf.

Anonymous said...

hills are proven cheaters, they have no credit now

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahah 'Talkin Turf' Classic! Only 17 days til the journey begins

Anonymous said...

...never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Anonymous said...

Meeting @ Hidden Creek tomorrow evening! BE THERE!