Last Wedge trip was pretty gnarly. Many laughs had, many drinks drunk and many shits shat. Jane survived her maiden trip to our surprise. kudos to her.

Back to the beginning. Goat had spent months talking about how his car would chop a landcruiser. These pictures tell a very different story.
So we finally make it to wedge after getting lost, getting bogged and then taking the long way via the tracks. Scott, making an early statement, drinks about 10 drinks in an hour. He then goes off riding on lodges piece of engineering marvel and stacks it many a time, returning to the shack laughing with cuts and sand all over his face and body. Apparently the crazy dutch bastard stacked it in front of some random folk and when they came to see if he was alright he got up rode off and stacked it again. 4 fists for that effort.
Another interesting event that night was the sand dunes. Scott was intent on starting some biffo but the only ppl around were 17 yr old "black sluts". The pussies didn't wanna fight so they caned off in daddys car.
Can't remember the order off things too much, probably coz i was drunk a fair bit of the time but we made a decent firework too, have to have some more pyrotechnics displays next trip.
I also decided it would be a good idea to pick up a snake that we came accross on the tracks. I am not sure why I did it or why i put it in goats car or even why goat filmed me putting it in goats car, but it occurred and made for a pretty funny story. Goat was paranoid for weeks, maybe he still is now, he even let me drive his car while i was off my nut to avoid the snake which had slithered up under his dashboard. Crazy shit i tell you.
Tried a bit of fishing but the conditions were shit and fishing drunk isnt all its cut out to be.
This is a pic of scott spooning biggles.
One night lodga smashed back a fair amount of booze and went off in search off bigger and better things. Goat got a feeling, sounds a bit suss but he could be some kind of psychic mastermind and went to search for Lodga who was convinced that he was being chased by mormons. Goat calmed him down with his trusty supply of rohypnol he keeps in his wallet, kidding man relax. Lodge lived to tell the tale and thats what Wedge is all about.
This guy returned to the scene of the crime....
Biggles was even smashing down beers. What an aussie he is.
Jizzbag smashed back a fair amount of booze. such a happy drunk. Look at that grin!
Goatmans car handled the tracks better than the hardcore 4wds but his claimed 32 mins from wedge to lancelin is a lie.
All in all was a good trip but the next trip will be far superior. Will we see any new faces? Any departures? who knows.. Only time and maybe Allah. Hes a shifty bloke.
Happy Camper
Nice hat
Mature Pallet
Dreaming of you
Lol nice blog. Some of those pics make me feel like throwing up fucked!
Not enough fiber.
What is up with the huge spaces between the paragraphs?
It makes the post like twice as big.
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