I am not a bigot nor am I a racist, but I feel there comes a point where racist comments are warranted...It is called 'Rational Racism!' I'm sure those of you who have been with Hills Hood since the start have probably heard me bitching about asians before Click here.
Again I have been put in a group with an asian girl which I don't have a problem with, BUT, again she has taken over and is insistent on doing things her way. The stupid turkey doesn't even trust me to do my part of our presentation, she has sent me countless msgs asking me 2 send her my slides so she can change them and rewrite them in mandarin or something gay and pointless like that. She is one of those useless sluts that you wouldn't mind if she was hit by a car or struck by lightning (I am getting frustrated just by talking about her!).
This all refers back to my original point about rational racism. I have constantly had trouble with international students at uni. I have found them to be very selfish and uncompassionate and they are constantly eating rice. The other day I was in a lecture when the guy in front of me (he was asian) pulled a packet of rice out of his bag and mixed it with some hot water, he had gone to far! I have seen some pretty bad things in my short life but that was without doubt the worst I've ever experienced.
For those of you who have already noticed, I have signed Hills Hood up to Google adsense. I mainly did this because I was bored and also as a basic experiment. I really don't think HH can generate any substantial revenue unless we relate all our posts back to a central theme which will increase Hills Hood's keyword relevance, page rankings etc. even then I think it is still unlikely that this site will make us all rich.
It is now 11.53pm, I have a presentation at 9am tomorrow morning and that STUPID CRAZY SHEILA hasn't even sent me the Fucking powerpoint yet! The nugget even called me up today asking for my slides so she could email everyone the finished thing, so I sent that rice-bitch my slides and now she won't send me the rest, meaning I won't be able to see if my slides have been changed until tomorrow during our presentation. Deja vu?
you're a neo-nazi MAN!
nice blog. Asians are rats in most cases. I think Jackie Chan may be the only exception.
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