To be fair I must contradict my earlier statement, he isn't exactly a homosexual but he sure looks and acts like one. Nor is he classified as 'emo' but hell, whats the difference between those emos and the other "different" ones these days? They are all trying to be minority right? While achieving quite the opposite. So I was close enough!

Before I stray too far off the topic (too late) I have to say I have been dealt a bad dose of group members. The above image depicts a weeks on and off work, sure it doesnt look like much, but fuck, you should have seen the method of construction. Theres this bitch who does work without consulting others, some Portugese son of a bitch who does night shift security and therefore ALWAYS runs late to morning meetings, the previously mentioned gay emo or near enough, and lastly a legend of a bloke who is too nice to be assertive. In a pickle? yes I am actually.
Now steering in a different direction completely, we have been commercialized! Some may not know this, but the beloved Hills Hood has been swamped in advertisements. Who is responsible? I think there is only one person capable, Scotto has been sitting on the conception of making money through the internet for a long time. And now It's actually happening! Infact he informed me that he made $2 from HillsHood alone already. This may not sound like a lot, but if you were to make 100 more Hillshoods, that would equate to $200. Not quite the goal of $1million by the time he's 21, thats for sure. So anyway the point I am trying to make is this, deception! Did we hold a committee meeting to pass this advertising on the blog? I don't recall, probably, but I wasn't invited.
Now we have established this ultimate betrayal, we can design an awards program for all contributers to this blog. One night on the piss per $100 cheque sounds fair to me, although it will not go far. Perhaps half a night on the piss. On the off season that is! Recently a random passing Goat and I discussed a fitness program that is potentially beneficial to all who participate. The goal is much like that of boot camp concept, as they call it in USA. Except I am tending to opt for the other proposal for "Fat Camp" Some of us are carrying more than the great game forgives. The great game I am referring to being Football, none of this tip-toe , pussy footed pansy shit they call soccer, I mean the real mans game, where a hand on the back is now inevitably a free kick. How tough is that! fuck all this shirtfronting shit, a real game has real rules, and this one takes the cake. Before I storm onto how football is increasingly becoming a game for the poo pushers, let me elaborate on our fitness concept that we have planned for the study break in coming weeks.
Week 1 - general fitness; jogging, kicking, endurance.
week 2 -Step it up into 2nd gear; pace running, skipping, bike riding and swimming.
week 3- Now we are burning; Sprints, weights, extreme Morman dancing.
week 4 -nothing stopping us; More sprints, weights and fuckloads healthy food
week 5- Drink some booze, been working too hard and have got an injury; Couple of cratons should do it
week 6- reflect on past weeks; Wonder what went wrong and return to original form...
Sad, but no doubt a very likely result of the plan. Well, speaking on past experiences, it is definitely what is going to happen.
So back to the great game, WTF. Dont go saying the game SHould be unpredictable and have varying umpiring standards, but no, I believe we should modernize the game with respect to umpires and tribunal. I am no the first to discuss this topic on a negative level, I am infact one of many, one of millions perhaps. We all want our point of view heard, and this is mine.
A serious review of the game is on the table, thats for sure.
I dont even know why im talking about afl umpiring, i actually liked it until 10 minutes ago, but for some reason i followed the ideas that footy is on a downward sprial. Of course i dont believe this, footy is healthy as ever, but hey, what would we all talk about in social situations if we didnt have footy antics. After all many of us revolve our lives around the great game, some of us believe football is what made us who we are today, this is true for myself especially. In beginning university this year, I'm sure I would not be passing if it werent for the tuesday and thursday training sessions. That shit keeps me going, Keeps me motivated. I think Im speaking for everyone in saying the weekend game is also a central focal point of our lives.
Recently I returned to the great occupation of 'night filler'. How great is that ay. Some of the shit we get up to on night fill, hoohoo i tell you what, we are a bunch of crazy critters. For example, monday night was my first shift, and I tell you no lies, we were allowed to stack shelves. If thats not extreme enough for you, we also crushed boxes. Now im not sure if many of my readers are familiar with the job of night filler, but its a long and disturbing process. I was very disturbed when I came across a broken can of cat food, that was rotting away with maggots and shit like that. Fuck yeh, imagine diggin ya teeth into that, yummy. Well the pays good and the conditions are pretty good too, so i dont see why i would want to leave, especially considering the convenience of uni/work ratio and times. Only downfall is I seem to be working with a whole lot of single mothers and strangely enough, single stay at home dads too. Haha those blokes are radical, sitting on their fat asses all day then coming into woolies to do a hard nights fill for a honest dollar.
Tell you what ive had just about enough to day for one night, its late and i need to submit this retarded model of a completely impractical and rediculous city concept.
ripper of a blog. 5 fists
Lodge! Nice blog, we haven't heard from you in a long time. It's good to see the standards of this blog raised.
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