I am very disappointed with all of you gringos....two posts this year?? Absolutely terrible! I'm not quite sure the reason for this blogger drought but I plan to change to resurrect this once noble blog. Actually i think there may actually of been three posts but that still doesn't change my point. Lovers and Lobbers wouldn't be happy.
So, what has been happening in the Hills Hood in the last couple of months you ask? So much it's just incredible. Goat jizzed in his pants (not the first time) haha but seriously.
This is what Trav has been up to.
This is what Trav has been up to.

What else you ask? Well, this just wouldn't be a Hills Hood blog without another Zombie pic.
Crazy Zombies . . . when will they learn.
A sign of things to come??
He really is out of control!!
Anyway, Sunday was Trav's 21st which began at Supa Golf, continued to the Brewery next door, made it's way back to Trav's and then finished out in the City/Paramount. It was a fun day all round.
Supa Golf/Brewery
There was a bit of heckling and sly tactics by a select bunch of people. Trav's bro smashed out a Hole-in-one. I still regret not doing a runner from that brewery, should of let Kevin pay for it! Nearly a couple of crashes on the drive home caused by some very calculated driving by the 'Rock God'.
Goat convinced me that the entire city would be packed with life. All the main bars Tigerlils, Capitol etc. were meant to be open . . . What The Fuck Goat??? The city was dead just like a ghost town. The only major pub open was Carnegies which had like five people in it and one of them I'm not sure I'd even call a person. Anyway it wasn't too bad, pretty much most of us got smashed, Bird rendezvoused with his old mate 'The Monster' and the lade we got from HJ's tasted a lot like vodka thanks to flasky.
From there we stumbled into Northbridge and like 99% of the time when we're in Northbridge we ended up at the Paramount. Apparently Goat spent $250 on drinks at the ol' Para and was forced to retire early because of extreme inebriation. Trav knew what he was doing when he entered the dance floor, it definitely looked very calculated (I will say no more). Pretty much everyone got smashed, some more so than others i.e. Jeffrey. Bird went back for another monster but was distraught to find the Jack empty. All in all it was a good night.
Also, easiest the funniest part of the whole day was when JP the 'Rock God', drove very slowly through two consecutive red lights without even realising. He drove at barely 30km's an hour as he adjusted his aerial and without realising, crossed through two very precarious intersections with no damage. Claps all 'round.
To round off this blog, I will just list some of the other major happenings over the last couple of months.
- Hood smashed Hills by 55 runs in the inaugural HH Twenty20 match
- Biggles turned 21 and had a nice night in Kenwick (no reported stabbings)
- Zombie epidemic reached as far as Kalgoorlie
- Bear seems to be 'Out of Action' again
- Cuz's low rider gets very low
- Hills introduce new trophy 'The Brown Bear Cup' which they win comfortably against single-man Hood team
- Hood intentionally relinquish the Cancer trophy after 10 month winning streak
hahaha top notch blog.
hahaha top notch blog.
The only major pub open was Carnegies which had like five people in it and one of them I'm not sure I'd even call a person.
HAHAHA what was that old duck doin in there with her walking frame!!!!
She looked like she was on crack or something.. What the hell was she doing..
The Brown Bear cup is held in the highest regard by both Hills and Hood alike. Next battle for this prestigious honour will surely be fiercely fought out by both factions.
Hood don't want it. Even if we win it we'll just donate it back 2 the rightful owners.
I know you've been dreaming about me Scott. Your cravings are becoming stronger, soon you won't be able to resist any longer. You can't fight your destiny!
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