There has been a huge recent revelation in the world of Hills Hood...WEDGE TO BE BROUGHT FORWARD!! This is true, Wedge may in fact take place during the second mid semester Uni break in early October. The second Uni study break this semester is over the week commencing September the 27th through to October the 2nd, this provides a perfect window for another wild, northerly adventure.
Important Dates:
- Saturday 26th of September; AFL Grand Final and likely big night out
- Tuesday 29th of September; perhaps the most important date of the year My Graduation Ceremony
Because of these contingencies I think the best time to go would be either the following Wednesday or Thursday and come back on the Sunday or Monday (If you are willing to ditch Uni).
Confirmed Guests:
- Goat
- Trav
- Jism
- Bear
- Biggles
- Anyone else
- Bird
- PFCC Spaniard
Please share your opinions on this topic.
no good, got a wedding to go to on the 4th of oct.
The 4th is a Sunday. Could come back Saturday OR dogg the prestigious AFL Grand Final and go the weekend before. Although, I think Jism might be unavailable for the latter.
could just got like mon to wed. There would prolly be nobody there so theres a chance diji might do something crazy like steal a cray boat or somethin
I plan 2 do something crazy regardless of when we go...but that could be good
1. Go during exam study week.
2. Go over a weekend during Uni and ditch Friday/Monday classes.
Just an idea.
I hate it when he sleeps
Goat says:
trav went wild last nigh
Scott says:
wat he do
Goat says:
broke stuff, drunk drove to maccas, did burnouts in maccas carpark
absurd call there goat!
gotta love me
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