1. All leave Goat's around 2pm, wait in Lancelin for Jim's parents to come with the 4wd, then all head up to Wedge in one convoy.
2. All leave Goat's between 12 - 2pm, the convoy then splits as one continues onto Wedge to set everything up and the other waits for Jim's parents in Lancelin. Then after the changeover, they head off to Wedge and arrive that evening with the shack already set-up.
3. First convoy leaves Goat's mid-morning and heads straight up to Wedge. Jim's convoy leaves mid-afternoon, swaps over with Jim's parent's 4wd, then heads up to Wedge that evening.
Please express your opinions on this subject!
Shit to bring
- Gas bottle with fuel
- Eski
- Towel
- Immunity idol or necklace
- Sandboard
- Music
- Jason Currie
- Coinage for ice
- Hair removal cream (for Goat)
- Cameras would be good
Hidden Creek
Come to the Sacred Hills Hood meeting place this Saturday at 5:30PM for the usual pre-Wedge meeting. All are welcome. If you don't know directions, ask a Hills Hood Original for a map.

weather forecast for wedge:
Sunday - 26 degrees and sunny
Monday - 30 degrees and sunny
Tuesday - 34 degrees and hot
wednesday - 32 degrees and sunny
Thursday - unknown
looks like sunday is good driving weather, and the rest are good for the beach.
Think I might have to sit this 1 out boys, too much work, too little time!
Are you serious Trav??
Fuck it, got a pack of No-Doz plus. I'm going for broke. Realistically I think the earliest I could reach Lancelin is Monday night. Wish me luck
I shalt play the 'Inverted Song of Time', and slow down time to half of its usual flow.
u have to make it Travina! I want to see pics of u passed out and covered in your own puke on facebook :(
I fear it is too late, but this is a last ditch effort to save your lives. I hope you have figured out his plan and stop his crazy actions. On the list of things to bring the first thing that Scott mentions is "Gas bottle with fuel"; both very flammable substances. He's been talking about doing something crazy this wedge trip and about lighting fires. HE PLANS TO BLOW UP THE SHACK WITH A GAS BOTTLE!!!!!
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