Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Uni can suck my balls

Now that I finished uni for the year, I thought i'd write a blog to waste some time. So yesterday I finished what will be my second last exam for uni. It felt good. And on friday I handed in my thesis. So now I am catching up on my sleep from the last month which has sucked so much balls, its even sucked more than elton john. But now my last exam has finished and my thesis is done, my thoughts turned to wedge. How awesome will it be? Who will be there? What crazy antics will go down? How many fires will scott light and cause the wedge fire brigade attend?

I hope the answers to these questions will be totally, everybody from the hills hood clan, wierd stuff and none. So we better start planning this. Theres a group on facebook but I think everybody is busy so no one is talking. But hopefully this gets the ball rolling.

So anyway, I'm going to celebrate and hope that all of you kick ass in whatever your doing. And i hope u all make it to wedge


DIJI said...

Nicely done Jism. I need to pull off some serious study to make sure I don't repeat my infamous first semester effort.

Goat seems to be keen on the 22nd for Wedge. That seems to be good for everyone except Trav who has Jury duty, although he is adamant that he can get out of it.

I have been having constant dreams about Wedge and fire...it is not a good sign.

are you magnetic? said...

sorry mate, uni is occupied with my package atm

Trav said...

I have got out of jew-ry duty so lock me in

Sherlock Holmes said...

Are you magnetic is a fake! definite faker!

Cool Frosty said...

Free Frosties for all! Oh yeah, Free Frosty Friday. Come 'round before Wedge for some Free Frosties from the one and only 'Cool Frosty'.

POOLBOY23 said...

We should build a pool at wedge! Bring some shovels!

scott said...

im driving up so i can drive back to lancelan every night too stack some shelves at the local iga.

does this interest you Sparrow? said...


gurgla said...

Jackin' or Stackin'...You Choose!

HAgro said...


balls rolling - less than 2 weeks now chums!