Day 1
Goat, Jim and I got to the airport at about 5.50AM and met up with Hodgins 1, Hodgins 2 and Julius. Surprisingly the Mexicans were not targeted by staff with regards to drug smuggling , border jumping etc and we made it to Adelaide smoothly. The flight was pretty boring, pretty sure virgin use planes that were made in the 1950’s. Goat joined the Mile High Club with his good friend Mrs Palmer. Adelaide looked pretty shifty, don’t know why anybody would live there!
Finally touched down on the Gold Coast at around 2.30 PM. There were Schoolies everywhere. I considered pulling the “Toolies 09” pose that Scott suggested but thought it probably wasn’t the best Idea. Didn’t have a clue where our Apartment was, luckily the crazy Indian taxi driver had a GPS. The taxi driver was an absolute nutter, weaving in and out of traffic and exceeding the speed limit by 40km/hr in the city while he talked in some crazy Indian language on his phone. Hodgins 1 and I didn’t have seatbelts and we were fearing for our lives. Finally arrived at the apartment and the fare was close to 70 bucks. Ridiculous. The apartment is alright, nothing too fancy but it’s in a pretty decent location. There were only four beds and there are 6 of us so I went and got this old, dodgly fold out bed with a ripped mattress. Apparently going and getting the bed meant I should be the one sleeping on it. Decided to go check out the giant shopping centre that’s across the road from the apartment. The number of girls and the quality of the girls was a shock to the system. Definitely been in Kalgoorlie for too long.
Started drinking in the late arvo and caught a bus into town. Went to a place called the Beer Garden and then to a random club. Coronas were only 5 bucks which I think turned out to be a little too tempting. Last memory of the night ends here.
Day 2
Woke up face down on the floor under a table with a condom tucked under my chin and drawings on my arm. Worked out I must have drank about 5 litres of beer and 2 shots of spirits last night. I went to the beach while the others slept. When I got back Goat was wearing a Gimp mask, very disturbing.
Goatman has also purchased a new superduper fancy electric razor. Might have to start calling him "Man" soon.
This Summer's Agenda
- First off....Eat Fillet
- Hopefully another Wedge trip for those of us that weren't fortunate enough to participate in the first 1
- BBQ's
- Probably won't be any drinking....not
- Goat better score a century
- Diji will live an alternative lifestyle with his Aunties.
- Actually try to get fit for footy this year.

- Come on Goat, do something! You're not out there to eat grass!!!!!!